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  What our Customer are Saying...
I have been waiting for some good weather to test the P-Tip prop you made me. I have flown it about 30 hours and love it! It is so smooth and quiet. It seems like I have a different airplane and besides it is Beautiful! I want to congratulate you on the nice job you did making it.
--  R. Bates
Pitts S1S Lyc. 0-360 200 HP Vernon, NY

I just received my Carbon Fiber Prince props yesterday and I just have to say these are the most beautiful props I have ever seen, what a work of art! They should be in some kind of art show in Manhattan or something. Sell your lawn mower, sell your golf clubs, sell your mother, do whatever you have to do to be able to buy a set of these props from Prince. We know they are the best as far as performance, we have all read the stories and we have all heard the stories from those pilots that have them. They are the BEST! At the price they get, believe me, they are worth it.
--  G. Black, Mountain Wings Inc.
Lazair Rotax 185 Ellenville, NY

I received my new Carbon Fiber P-Tip Prince Propeller yesterday and it is absolutely stunning! A beautiful piece of workmanship! If the prop flies half as good as it looks, I will be the envy of all my fellow pilots. Thank you for crafting such a marvelous propeller. Now I have to get my Mustang II finished so that I can see how fast it goes with that sexy-looking black prop out front.
--  B. Rogers
Mustang II Mazda 13B Plano, TX

I would highly recommed the Prince Prop by Prince Aircraft Company. That is what I have. Mr. Prince has produced many props for these Jabiru engines and as far as I know, everyone loves them. Everything worked the first time, that is the way I like it. Mr. Prince is one of the best guys on this earth and will be glad to help you out anyway he can. Especially sell you a prop.
--  J. Wright
Avid MK 4 Jabiru Renton, WA

I would like to say that Prince Aircraft Company has been an absolute delight to work with. If you want a great prop at a decent price this one is it. You dream up the paint scheme and you just may hang it on your wall as a trophy. He does excellent work, backs up his product with phone calls, his check book and even spends time designing new props for us folks. My thanks to Lonnie for his sincere effort to dial in this prop. The wait was worth it! Am I bet ya!!

62" Diameter 78" Pitch Carbon Fiber
--  M. Truex
Pulsar Rotax 912 Yuba city, CA

Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this order and the outstanding service you have provided. Its a pleasant change nowadays to find a firm that seems to care about it’s customers.

--  A.R. Wilkinson, Australian Basic Aviation
Quickie Q-200 Cont. 0-200 Australia

The increase in performance produced by your props is reported to be very significant, and i’m looking forward to flying with the Prince prop on my plane. The beauty of the thing is magnificant and contributes nicely to the appearance of the craft. I will, of course, urge my customers to acquire your prop for their planes.
--  L. Fraley, Valley Aeronautical, Inc.

The propeller arrived today. It is absolutely beautiful!! I really appreciate your cooperation in getting this propeller to us in time for Oshkosh.. I hope to be able to order a hundred more from you.
--  J. Bede
  Medina, Ohio

We have received our first Prince Aircraft Propeller for our See-Op UAV project. We are genuinely thrilled! It is obvious to us that the quality control and craftsmanship of your products are exceptional in every detail. No one here has ever seen such a fine example of American workmanship. The design details you have developed for improved propeller performance is likewise remarkable. When we had asked for a propeller, we had no idea that we would receive a Prince of a propeller that is a King above the rest. Superior product combined with your very competitive pricing, in our view, exemplifies your vision of excellence and going the extra mile. Once again, thank you for a job well done. We look forward to placing many future orders with you.
--  D. Thorpe, Thorpe Engineering Corporation
See-Op UAV Hirth F-23 Mesa, AZ

I can’t say enough how great those people are to work with. Lonnie Prince is genuinely interested in getting us the exact combination we need.
--  D. Hollingworth
Pulsar Rotax 912 Hemet, CA

When I was test flying the Q-200 with the Prince Prop, I could get 142 KIAS at 2,500 feet - while the replacement is only about 132 KIAS. So as they say in the adds "Props ain't props" - apologies to Castrol. Suggest you take over communications with Lonnie Prince. While the wooden prop does a great job, for the money I would go with the Carbon Fiber version - probably the simplest and lowest cost/knot performance improvement you can buy.
--  C. Mills
Q-200 Cont. 0-200 Carson City , NV

Lonnie Prince is a "prince" to do business with. I have flown a Prince P-Tip on my VariEze for two years with excellent performance, combining both climb & cruise. The P-Tip was much better than three previous wooden props. I had the misfortune to receive a disabling stone ding (had to borrow another prop to get home), sent the prop back to Lonnie, who mad a beautiful repair, and I had it back in two weeks - still performs just like new.
--  RV8iator

I'm running a 68-83 and I get good t/o climb, cruise numbers for a fraction of the cost of a CS prop. Nose heaviness is not an issue with the prop weighing about 11 lbs. My prop is a work of art with a glossy black finish with the carbon fiber showing through the finish. The P-Tips always bring questions when someone sees it (sometimes asking if I landed gear up..) My noise footprint brings comments about how quiet my plane is when it flies over. I'm turning 167kts and 8500, 2500 RPM on my I0-360. My experience dealing with Lonnie and his staff brings nothing but praise. If he tells you he will make it right, he will make it right. He delivered on his product and the performance is what he told me to expect.
--  J. Morris
RV-8 Lyc. I0-360 Dahlonega, GA

The prop fits and looks GREAT! Lots of very strong positive comments by all the guys at the airport. Very Impressive!. Thanks for the carbon fiber addition. "Stand-up" op., you have there, Dude.
--  J. Dunham
Zenith CH 601 XL Lyc. 0-235 Canyon Lake, TX

I would like to take this moment to say that your P-Tip Composite Propeller is an amazing piece of workmanship. It's a beautiful work of art! It took all the vibration out of the starting and shutting down of the aircraft and it also eliminated all of the noise in my Osprey 2. The guys at the airports that I fly to just think its beautiful. I picked up 25 to 30 mph in overall performance. Fuel burn has dropped from 6.5 gph at cruise to 5.2 to 5.5 gph. I was at 2500 RPM and was clipping along at 145 mph. That's 5 under Vne. It climbs at 1200-1400 fpm depending on the weather solo. Overall it has been the best money I have spent to date updating. If the prop didn't take the noise away I was going to put it up for sale, but that went south real fast as soon as I installed your propeller. I would like to thank you and all of your staff for the fine workmanship and the results of this propeller. Keep up the great work.
--  F. Francis
Osprey II Lyc. 0-320 Seneca Falls, NY

After 6 hrs. all I can say is that I am very pleased. The reduction in noise level has had other people at my airport come and ask what we have done to achieve the reduction in noise level, particularly the harshness.
--  P. Bruty

Here are some photos of my finished project. It is a Zenith 601XL "taildragger" version. The propeller you manufactured for me was not only a beautiful piece of art, but performs magnificently as well. I can't thank you enough for the patient assistance and support you have freely given to me during this endeavour. You really define what customer service and support means.
--  J. Dunham
Zenith CH 601 XL Lyc. 0-235 Canyon Lake, TX

I now have 23hrs on my RV8. I have a Prince P-Tip on it and it is performing just as Lonnie said it would. I get lots of comments on its futuristic looks also.
--  G. Murray
RV-8 Lyc. I0-320 Marcus, IA

This propeller won "Hi Points" champion again for the 2000 race season.
--  D. Kilbourne
VariEze Cont. 0-200 Carlsbad, CA

Your prop is amazingly efficient. This plane couldn't fly without it.
--  M. Stull

Thanks a lot for your great job you made for me! The Aircraft is very quite and the Engine runs very fine with this Lonnies-wood-carbonfibre propeller. No vibration at all, it's a wonderful feeling to fly that way.
--  H. Muller
Zenith CH 300 Lyc. 0-360 Switzerland

I finally flew my new propeller today, to say that I am pleased would be an understatement. I am delighted! Subjectively it seems like I have 50% more horsepower, 50 knots indicated airspeed and a good rate of climb at 3450 revs and full throttle. Well worth the wait.
--  K. Reynolds
Gyro Limbach 1800 Lexlip, Ireland

Here are the test results using a new overhauled Metal and a Prince Wood/Carbon Fiber prop (purchased from Colleen at Murphy Aircraft).
The Metal prop with spacer and hardware 38lbs., Prince prop 13lbs. with the same spacer and hardware.
Static Thrust Metal 450/2400 rpm, Prince 505/2300 rpm.
The prince prop averaged 70fpm rate of climb better than the Metal. Full power they both indicated 115mph/2600 rpm.
My plane has a 160hp Lyc. on amphibious floats.
--  D. Dalgleish
Murphy Rebel Lyc. I0-320 

The Prince 58 x 48 P-tip is the PERFECT propeller for a Zenith 601 and others with the Jabiru 3300.
--  M. Sarkowsky

As a faithful user of your propeller which was fundamental in establishing records in my flights around the world, I have been using your propellers with great confidence for many years now and the very efficient last one allowed me to establish several new records with the FAI. Millions will be able to see PP ZAD all over Europe and in the States and all inquiring will be explained how I can fly for so many hours non-stop, and they will be shown the "P-Tips".
--  A. Deberdt
LongEze O-235 San Paulo, Brazil

I am totally satisfied to say the least about your product. The airplane test flight was wonderful and I think this propeller is a very good choice and should give me many happy flying hours. I will definitely spread the good news and wish you good luck with your business. By the way it is almost a shame to put this on the hub of an airplane, it could belong to an art gallery!
--  B. Tremblay

Lonnie, thank you for your recent shipment. If I had not sold this one to a customer I would be keeping this as a piece of art on my wall. Great Work!
--  B. Gayle, Murphy Aircraft
Murphy Rebel  Canada

The propeller turned up late last night and bloody hell it's gorgeous! I can't wait to get it on the a/c and run it up. Many thanks for a stunning piece of craftmanship.
--  J. Baran
Bumble Bee Gyro Rotax 503 New Zealand

Just to let you know that the prop arrived yesterday and it looks great. I'm sure it will perform as well as it looks. Thank you once again.
--  M. Poole

I am still happy with the P-Tip. It is quiet and smooth. I only get about 4,800 rpm max on take off. No problem getting off, the big thing pulls a lot of air. At full throttle straight and level I turn up to only 5,400 and depending on the air indicate close to 160 mph. I usually cruise about 5,000 to 5,100 and indicate 140 to 145. The big fat blade also slows you down quickly when you want to lose speed.
--  B. Wilder
Pulsar Rotax 912S Hollywood, MD

Wow and double Wow! The climb performance is great. The airspeed is the same as before at a lower max rpm of 3220rpm with 80rpm to spare for. The prop quality and finish is first class.
--  J. Huff
Avid Flyer Jabiru 2200 Castro Valley, CA

My Midget Mustang (0-320, 160hp)flew for the first time on Sunday with your P-tip Carbon prop. Performance was unbelievable, 2500 rpm static on the ground and she went like crazy all the way to 200 mph straight and level with only 100 rpm increase. Outstanding performance on an almost constant speed prop. Many thanks for your support, you got this one about as perfect as they come.
--  P. Chapman

I finally completed the engine modifications to my Long-Ez. The prop has performed up to or exceeding my expectations and the erosion protection is excellent also - very impressed. I have done approx. 28hrs. on it to date. Thanks - well done.
--  L. Danes

Last year I replaced my Metal prop with a Prince prop which out performed the Metal prop in all areas, plus it is 20 plus pounds lighter. I had Prince repitch my prop to increase my static rpm to 2500rpm which did not help. Prince then made me a new prop, at no cost to me other than shipping, and it now gives me 2500 static rpm and 2800 rpm (full power) in level flight. The increase in performance is great!
--  D. Kopff
Murphy Rebel Lyc. I0-320 Osage Beach, MO

I am flying a 912 Pulsar XP with a Prince prop. I'm in California close to sea level and couldn't be happier with the prop. Great performance and very quiet. My prop is a 62/78 P-tip and I have about 200 hours on it.
--  Adam
Pulsar Rotax 912 California

Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent service and fantastic new prop. I flew my new p-tip yesterday and found noticeably better takeoff acceleration and climb, as well as about 3 knots faster max cruise with the engine turning 50-75 rpm faster than before. Besides all that, that black carbon "stealth" prop looks just great on my otherwise all-white airplane. It's a real piece of art!
--  D. Meyer
Cozy Lyc. 0-290 Portland, ME

I received my prop is a work of art. There are about 5 Prince props on 3M3 and every one of them says I made the right choice. It looks like it's doing 180kt. sitting still!
--  Michael M.

I am very happy with my Prince P-tip prop. This is my second Prince P-tip. I am running the carbon fiber prop on the RV. They do run smooth and quiet. On my plane with my engine it is an excellent choice.
--  Don W.
RV-6A  Madera, CA

I have logged about 40 hours on my RV4 with a Carbon Fiber covered Prince P-Tip prop. I have an 0-320 160HP engine and can cruise about 150 knots at about 2450 RPM. This propeller is light, smooth running, and is good looking. It attracts attention at fly ins. The workmanship is excellent!
--  K. Peters
RV-4 Lyc. 0-320 Belvidere, IL

You may recall I was running a 54 x 50 standard wooden prop, and when you and I talked about converting to one of your props you suggested I might go to a 52 x 52 based on all of the facts and figures on the 2100 Revmaster Valkswagon conversion engine and the KR2-S aircraft I was flying. Needless to say I was a little taken back and concerned when I opened the box and discovered a 52 x 54 prop laying there. After talking to you on the phone however, I decided to bolt it on and give it a go. I would not have believed or imagined that a propeller change could make so much of a difference. I hate having to tell my friend that is running one of your props on a Lancair that he was right. Not only have all of my performance figures changed dramatically, but the "feel" of the plane and how it handles is very different. Just to give you some specifics, my old initial climb speed was 80 mph after ungluing her from the runway. Now I "levitate" and the initial climb is 100 mph. Obviously I don't turn the engine as fast as before, but I still get 3000 rpm on climb out which is just fine, and at 3200 rpm straight and level I'm seeing 152 on the indicator as compared with 137 with the wood prop at the same rpm. I'm typically not one to "gush" about products, but there's no doubt that this new prop is a miracle, and thankfully I can say that it's worth every penny that I agonized over.
--  L. Buckner

I am flying an Aero Designs Pulsar XP with the standard 80hp Rotax 912. I installed a Prince P-Tip 62/78 prop in April and have since flown about 50 hours behind it. I am seeing GPS speeds between 145 and 155 mph. I like the prop a lot. Lonnie Prince recommended the 62/78 for my application and I believe, hit it right on the money. He was also great to work with and I am very satisfied.
--  A. Moses
Pulsar Rotax 912 Blackfoot, ID

I just wanted to report very successful first flights with my Stratus Subaru powered Pelican. Your prop is getting me great performance, better than expected climb and cruise. I'm absolutely amazed that I gave you some basic specs on the airplane and engine and you nailed it first shot. Again, I can't believe that i'm getting better performance than I hoped for - and i'm usually pretty optimistic. Thanks for a great prop (and beautiful too).
--  G. Krysztopik
Pelican Subaru Middletown, RI

Just wanted to say that the props work! The Lazair seems to just leap off the ground - it is hard to describe. I estimate I got about 75 to 100 ft/min climb increase. The engines are running in their power band about 1000 rpm lower than with the carbons. I also seem to notice an increase in fuel efficiency. And of course i'm cruising at a much lower rpm. Two side notes: the props make the Lazair seem like a "real" twin! And they sound more like a "real" twin also! Yes, they fly as well as they look!
--  P. Grandall

I would like to take a minute to thank you for all of your excellent work and efforts. Your business ethics are unquestioned and your propeller we are now using, works well.
--  D. Meyerson
Lancair Lyc. I0-360  Carmel, NY

I'm pleased with the 76/56 prop you made for my Murphy Elite, with the new Lycoming 0-360. I'm getting 2660 rpm straight and level @ 4000 msl @ 50 F OAT. I've had numerous inquiries regarding the prop. Many people have commented on how it looks. Not only is it pretty, but it performs admirably.

First, I would like to Thank You for helping me out in my quest to get myself and the airplane home after the unfortunate demise of the propeller on my Murphy. The loaner prop arrived the next day and by early afternoon the aircraft was operational again. Lonnie, you truly are the ambassador of the term customer service.
--  G. Tessier
Murphy Elite Lyc. 0-360 Canada

Your props are perfect for my application. Thank you for your prompt and accurate response. You are the first (and only) propeller company to look at my aircraft specs and recommend a specific diameter and pitch. That just won you the sale!
--  D. Crane
J5 DC F-23 Hirth Oak Harbor, WA

The two lazair props arrived safely and they are a work of art!! Thanks again for producing such a well designed product!!
--  L. Nagy
Lazair III Rotax 185 Vancouver, Canada

Had the best ride ever this morning. Almost 25 miles on 1/4 gallon fuel. This is one beautiful prop! Thanks!
--  T. Hodges
Iceboat Honda Sturgeon Bay, WI

Hello-I just wanted to send a quick email to confirm that I received my propeller a couple of weeks ago and I am very pleased. Thank you for your generosity and approach to customer service, I'm sure you know that these two combined are nearly as critical as your product and it truly goes a long way. I won't hesitate to recommend your company.
--  T. Gibson
Osprey II Lyc. 0-320 Canada

My propeller has arrived and I would just like to thank you for an excellent product!
--  D. Legg
Zenith CH 601 Jabiru 3300 Australia

I bought a P-Tip from you in 2000 for my Pulsar XP and loved it! I have bragged to my fellow owners and they too have tried and loved your prop.
--  Don
Pulsar XP  

Just to let you know that I've now received the new propeller and it is now fitted to my aircraft. There were no problems - the quality is excellent and it fitted my existing hub easily. I've started and run the engine and short bursts of power show a marked increase in thrust over my previous propeller.
--  D. Organ
Gyrocopter VW 1834 United Kingdom

I love the prop. I bought a 68x72 2-blade from you for my Velocity last year. First flight was in February and i've got about 25 hours on the airplane now. It will do 175 kts. at 4000 feet turning 2650 RPM's with the ECI IOX-360. My plane is a fixed gear, so I'm pretty happy! FYI, a few people have said to me that it's the best looking prop on the field.
--  D. Holub
Velocity Lyc. 0-360, 180HP Irving, TX

Lonnie, Thank you very much for sending my new 84/42 prop for my Tundra on amphib floats. I have done about 2.5 hrs. flying with it and take-off and climb performance is much improved. Cruising at 2500 rpm and 23.5 hg gives me the same 90 kts as with the other prop at 24" hg and 2200 rpm. You make a fine product and I am very pleased with the results I am getting.
--  B. Lepschi
Tundra Lyc. 0-360, 180 HP British Columbia, Canada

The prop came in, looks great and I mounted it yesterday. I had it balanced and the "stock" balance was 0.65. The prop guy said no weights required as it was in "specs" right out of the box. Congratulations...a Prince Prop well done!
--  J. Taylor
VariEze Cont. 0-200 San Diego, CA

The prop you built for me is to say the least a fine piece of work and it gets comments everywhere I go. It delivers almost exactly as we discussed as I was looking for 150kts at 2600 rpm at the time of the order. After fitment and several test flights it is delivering 146kts at 2600 rpm, very smooth running prop and would recommend your props to a wide variety of aircraft.
--  M. Forgione
Q-200 Cont. 0-200 Australia

I finished my inflator fan using your 24" prop, it works great! It puts out about 30% more air. Hope to use your props more.
--  T. Hunsaker
Balloon Inflator Honda Mesa, AZ

I finally flew my Turbine Cub powered by a Lycoming 195 hp with your 84” diameter 44” pitch Carbon Fiber P-TIP propeller and I am extremely satisfied. The company pilot that flew my plane claimed it flew faster, runs so much smoother, and the takeoff and climb no different than the well known $13,000 constant speed propeller. I am very impressed with your product and excellent customer attention.
S. Kregel
--  S. Kregel
Turbine Cub Lycoming I0-360 Iowa

I installed your 68" diameter 76" pitch Carbon Fiber P-TIP propeller and was immediately amazed. The metal propeller removed was 38 lbs compared to the 14 pound P-TIP. On startup I immediately noticed how smooth the propeller was running. My performance is excellent. At 6,500’ I cruise 170 kts. at only 2,675 rpm. The takeoff performance was noticably better than my old metal propeller. Your propeller is a work of art and always attracts attention wherever I go. Thank you for a great product and customer service. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
S. Thompson
--  S. Thompson
RV-9 I0-320 Georgia

Hello Lonnie

I bought a 76” diameter 56” Carbon Fiber P-tip prop from you for my Acrosport 2 powered by a Lycoming IO-360 180Hp. We are absolutely delighted with the performance of the propeller and the British and European aerobatic champion, Mark Jefferies – who has been doing some of the testing of the aircraft - is also very impressed along with our LAA inspector Gary Johnson. It is a very smooth prop and is giving us 1500ft per minute climb at 2400 revs fully loaded together with fast rev pick up and acceleration to take off and good cruise of around 130mph! We out perform identical aircraft with other propellers and, based on our test figures, this combination of prop and engine is being considered by at least 2 other Acrosport 2 builders in the UK together with one Pitts refurbisher. We hope to complete all test manoeuvres in the next 2 weeks and I will let you know how these turn out but for now we are unable to fault the prop in any way. I thank you for your helpful advice and recommendations during my enquiries about props and I am very glad I decided to use the Prince P-tip for my aircraft. If you are ever in the UK you must come for a flight at Duxford where we are based.

--  P. Sibbons
Acrosport II Lycoming 0-360 Duxford, UK

I've Got three hours on my new prop for my challenger WOW I get 5 to 10 mph increase at cruise rpm setting. Also the takeoff roll and climb out have improved, and it's much smoother. This is a great prop that I will recommend to all my flying buddies.

Thanks for everything
--  J. Niemeyer
Challenger Rotax 503 Angus, Ont. Canada

I took delivery yesterday afternoon of my magnificent new Prince propeller.

I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you and your staff for this wonderful creation and outstanding service by your company. The craftsmanship to create my new propeller is truly an achievement on its own. The only down side is that it will be mounted on my aircraft and flogged to death in all sorts of climatic conditions, it should really be mounted on a wall as a work of art and admired by all.

--  F. Sarlemyn
Esqual Jabiru 3300 Austrailia

Just purchase B. Jenkins RV-4 0-320 150 hp with your Carbon Fiber P-TIP Propeller on it "Hot Combo", Climbs 2950 fpm and will Cruise 202 mph.
--  R. Gray, Ohio Valley RVators Builder Assistance
RV-4 0-320 150 HP Vincent, Ohio

Received my propeller for my Cozy.....WOW! Nice Job.
--  J. Preiser
Cozy IO-360 Anderson, South Carolina

Its been a long time since I bought my Prince Propeller for my Pulsar.

I have flown with this combination (Jabiru 22 and Prince Prop) approximately 150 hours.

On startup I get about 2700+/- rpm which is still Ok but this is the ideal travel configuration.

All I know friends with Pulsar with other propellers are slower and have approximately same increase in performance changing to the Prince Propeller.

I had an official noise test for the combination Pulsar, Jabiru, Prince Propeller with a low 65 dba measurement.

The Prince Propeller optically fits my Pulsar very good.
--  D. Steiner
Pulsar Janbiru 2200 Switzerland

I installed my Prince Propeller and very happy with its performance. The takeoff and climb is the same performance as the three blade famous German Constant Speed propeller I removed. Your light weight propeller corrected my nose heavy condition when I removed the tail weight, so now my overall aircraft weight is lighter due to your excellent propeller. Thank You, I will recommend your excellent service and beautiful workmanship and great performance to all my pilot friends.
--  S, Cooper
Smith Cub 10-360 200 hp Denmark

Your propeller has performed excellent on my Thorp T-211. It has significally increased climb rate and very smooth running.
--  J. Fernandez
Thorpe T-211 Cont. 0-200, 100 hp Kirkland, Washington

I purchased a pair of Prince P-TIP propellers. I have seen 100 fpm increase in climb and much better cruise speeds even at 1000 lower rpm's. The propellers are very smooth running with a better look and lower noise noise levels. The propellers seem to match the engine power curve and due the shape and self adjusting shape of about 2" is the reason the climb and speeds are improved. I am very pleased with the Prince Propeller.
--  J. Nagy
Lazair Rotax 9.5 hp 

To everyone at PAC.

I have installed my prop onto my Glasair TD. It looks fantastic.
This last weekend is the first time I have been able to get up and do some in flight comparisons.
Details as follows:

Prince Prop P tip 68 76
Height 8500 AMSL
Temp 19 Deg C (66 Deg F)
RPM 2540
MP 21.6 Inch
TAS 174 Knots

Hendrickson 68 74
Height 8500 AMSL
Temp 22 Deg C (70 Deg F)
RPM 2540
MP 19.2 Inch
TAS 162 Knots

I am delighted with the outcome. The prop runs extremely smooth and seems to very stable as far as bolt tensions. It is the middle of the wet season here in far North Queensland Australia, and the humidity is extreme.

Thank you for the pleasurable experience of dealing with your company and flying behind your products.
Yours Sincerely,

Mark McDonald

--  McDonald, Atherton Tableland Air Service P/L
Glassair TD Lyc. 0-320 160 hp Austrialia

Hi Lonnie,

A fellow here at our local (Wasilla) airport has one of your propellers. It is an 84” X 42” now, I believe and he had been working on getting it dialed in.

Last time I spoke with him, he had just received your prop back and had just run it with noticeable improvement in RPM at w.o.t. level but still only pulling 2500 rpm. Or so.

I saw him a few days ago, said the problem was fixed. I asked how and he said you just built him a new prop. What class in today’s world! My hat is off to you.

Once I get my Performance Engine injected 360 installed on my Glastar, I am going to get one of your props! I LIKE doing business with folks that handle issues like you did.

Dan Crawford, President

Pippel Insurance Agency, Inc.

Palmer, Alaska 99645
--  D. Crawford
  Palmer, Alaska


Got the prop installed on my Sonex Waiex equipped with the Aero Vee engine. I replaced a Sensenich wooden prop that was the same size and pitch and what a difference. First of all, the tracking was perfect. I took her up and the climb rate drastically improved, I picked up about 5 mph in level flight with 300 rpm, less and the prop noise in the cockpit and those reported on the ground was less.

Additionally my fuel burn decreased from 5.5 gph to 4.3 gph and 5 mph faster.

The engine overheated with the old propeller and no longer with the Prince. There was no propeller vibration with your propeller. I am extremely pleased with this Carbon Fiber P-Tip propeller. As I have told you Sonex strongly recommended the Sensenich propeller when I called for assistance and happy I ordered your propeller. With the Sensenich propeller I was concerned about flying the newly purchased Waiex due to poor climb rate and the Aero Vee overheating, Your propeller allowed me to feel comfortable and no longer want to sell the airplane. I can now carry a passenger with the shorter takeoff and better climb rate.

It really made a difference on my Waiex.


Wootten York
--  W. York
Sonex Waiex Aero Vee Georgia

Thanks, Lonnie....I flew down to USE today and was greeted by a
couple of the FAA's finest. I checked out ok (thank God), and so did
my friends. But I sure miss my Prince Prop! That thing doesn't want
to leave the ground with the Sen-sen prop. : ) Can't wait to get the Prince P-TIP back.

L. Matteson

--  L. Matteson
Kitfox Jabiru 2200 Grasslake, Michigan


Thank you for the beautiful 54" diameter 60" pitch Carbon Fiber propeller. I have had trouble with my Jabiru 3300 not operating at proper rpm for two years and have been constantly told my engine was at fault. My mechanic tried everything possible to find the problem inside and outside the engine. After mounting and running your extreemly smooth running propeller I finally realize the propeller that was recomended was the problem that kept me from enjoying my Sonex and the money I spent was unneccessary. Being frustrated I planned on selling the Sonex but with the proper rpm's and good performance I now plan to enjoy the airplane. Do you know of anyone that would like to purchase my Sensenich propeller?

Thank you for such great service and the wonderful propeller.

--  R. Walsh
Sonex Jabiru 3300 San Juan Capistrano


I love my 84" diameter 44" P-TIP Carbon Fiber on my Cub. It is beautiful, light weight, very smooth running and the best is when I fly with my buddies with the WirlWind ground adjustable and MT controllable pitch I can cruise faster than the WhirlWind and fly as fast at a lower RPM than the MT controllable pitch propeller.

Your service has been great with a no-charge adjustment to increase RPM's. I feel the purchase from your company has been excellent and I certainly received a great working propeller.

S. Kregel
--  Steve Kregel
Turbine Cub Lycoming 0-360 Garnavillo, Iowa

Lonnie you have been a pleasure to deal with, which explains why your business is going well. I will also place a report on my plane in the SAAA magazine when finished where I will mention the difference between your company and another that has yet to reply!! Unbelievable! Regards to you and my sincere thanks.

N. Unger
--  N. Unger
Glastar Mazda Austrailia

I received the hub and got the fan going last weekend. When we inflated our balloon on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings Matt and I were surprised how much more output this prop has compared to our old 3 blade. Our balloon cold inflates much faster and tighter. I have some pictures I will send in the next few days.
--  J. Paulin
Hot Air Balloon Inflator Fan Honda Somerton, AZ

Tied down on the ground wide open throttle the propeller turns 3300 rpm. In the air wide open low altitude at 3200 rpm, indicated airspeed is 180 mph with the Carbon Fiber P-TIP 54" diameter 60" Pitch.
--  N. Griffin
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Dyer, TN

I’m still pleased as punch of the 76" Diameter 56" Pitch propeller you sent me. I’ve since sent a few guys your way. I certainly have appreciated your service and product.
--  G. Tessier
Murphy Elite Lycoming 0-360 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I measured thrust with my old propeller and obtained 150 pounds. With the Prince P-TIP it was an amazing 300 pounds.

The airspeed increased 15 mph with less engine rpm's.

I am very happy with the purchase of the Prince Propeller.
--  A. McCain
Tailwind Lycoming 0-235 Jackson, MS

After measuring my thrust with my old Sensenich propeller I obtained 170 pounds, with my new Prince P-TIP propeller I now see 210 pounds.

I am very happy with my 15 mph increase speed at less rpm and now I have no vibration.

The Prince propeller is exceptionally smooth running and so much quieter..I really like the Prince P-TIP propeller.
--  T. Sher
Just Highlander Aero Vee Sumpter, SC

I really enjoy my new Prince P-TIP propeller. When I installed your propeller on my Pulsar the Climb and Cruise Performance substantially increased.
--  R Bye
Pulsar Jabiru 2200 Aiken, SC

Love, Love Love my new two-bladed Prince P-TIP propeller..what a difference over the Warp Drive three blade.
--  C. Schneider
Gyro Cycle HKS 700E Datil, NM

I really Love my Prince P-TIP Propeller.

I no longer overspeed my engine with Cruise at 148 mph. Climb at 95 mph is 2150 fpm with zero vibration..This propeller has made a Complete Transformation to my Pitts.
--  T. Barnby
Pitts S1S Lycoming 0-360 United Kingdom

With my new Prince P-TIP propeller my Glassair has Better Climb, Better Top Speed and Exceptionally Smoother Running.
--  B. Cook
Glassair Lycoming 0-320 Pensacola, FL

With my new Prince P-TIP Propeller I have Increased my airspeed 30 MPH operating at 2,650 rpm. I am exceptionally happy with my Smooth Running and Lightweight Prince Propeller.
--  A. Hartman
Tailwind Lycoming 0-235 McAlpin, FL

I am very please with my new Prince P-TIP propeller. Compared to my old Borer propeller I now climb at 1,600 fpm with Very Smooth Running, Lands Slower, and an amazing 20 Pounds Lighter.
--  A. Lallier
Super Cub Lycoming 0-360 Lallier, VT

Just flew my Titan Tornado I with my new Prince prop. Faster, quieter, smoother and prettier.

Propeller 58" Diameter 47" Pitch Carbon Fiber
--  T. Tollefson
Titan Tornado Jabiru 2200 Esko, MN.

You hit a home run with the modifications to my RV-7A propeller. I got it on yesterday and flew it today. I went from 2450 to 2700 RPM in cruise flight. Speed went from 160 knots to 170 knots (both GPS speed over the ground) and from 165 mph to 175 (both indicated airspeed from my Dynon D180) Obviously, drag has been reduced and, somewhat unexpectedly,fuel burn seems to have decreased noticeably. I am still climbing out at about 2000fpm so no change in pitch as promised.

Finally, in addition to performance the engine starts easily and idles extremely smoothly. The propeller is so light it almost isn't there.
You can definately put me in the satisfied customer category.

Purchasing your propeller has turned out to be a very good decision.

--  J. Ellison
RV-7 Lycoming IO-360 200 HP Houston, TX

I want to extend my gratitude and admiration with your professionalism on this project. I am very pleased with the outcome
--  D. Junkins
Zenith 750 Lycoming 0-290 Bloomington, IN

Just wanted to let you know yesterday was my first time to "test" out the new prop. It appears to be more of a speed prop. Turning up around 2900-2950 on takeoff, I am now doing around 2800rpms. The big difference is in level flight, what was 2750 rpms (max cruise for light sport) on this plane gave 138 mph. Now, at 2750 I am getting around 150-153. I ran it up to 3000 rpms and indicated 169, that is calm, cool air. WOW, what a rush.
I guess maybe this could be what you claim, that in climb it has a bigger bite and in cruise, it flattens out. I can't wait to take a bit of a cross country and see how the numbers work on a 2-3 hr leg.
Thanks again, Bob Bible
Sonex 232TM
--  B. B.
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Johns Creek, GA

With nearly 12 hours on your new Elliptical Propeller design I found the propeller to operate extreemly smooth, I gained an Amazing 10 MPH, and my CHT's are now 20 degrees cooler with Takeoff and Climb Better, this is overall a better propeller over the Sensenich propeller I was flying.
--  W. Turk
Sonex VW Marion, TX

I received my new Prince Elliptical prop yesterday, and test fitted it to the aircraft today. It is absolutely gorgeous, and the design is the one I was looking for, as it should be extremely efficient. I am going to take it to my EAA Cahpter 44 general meeting in three days, and I can guarantee it will be the center of attention. Thanks for the fine job, and it has so far been an unbelievable pleasure doing business with you.
--  M. Clayton
Kitfox HKS 700 Spencerport, NY

Thought you might like to see another installation. It's a 76X58 and is perfect for my application. Pitts S1S, Barrett IO-360. Prop is super smooth at all rpm. Turns 2900 wide open at 180 mph straight and level. Have turned it up to 3100 at 200 mph. Acceleration is brisk. Thanks for a great prop.
--  C. Kuhling
Pitts S1S IO-360 200HP 

I just received the two props for my Lazair. I have to tell you they are a work of art. Don't know if I want to put them on the plane or on my mantle. Well done ! I will send you some pictures when they are installed. Can't wait till I go flying. Have a great day.

Hi Lonnie , Just wanted to tell you that the new props have made a huge difference over the original bi-props. My rate of climb has doubled and cruise takes less power. I'm getting a solid feel from the engines too. Guess I'm one happy customer. Thanks Again , R.Hall
--  R.Hall
Lazair Rotax 185 Calgary, AB Canada

I received my prop yesterday afternoon. The bolts and crush plate came a few days ago.

What beautiful piece of work! I am amazed at the quality and attention to detail. Wow! I have done a quick trial fit and everything looks right.

It appears to me that I have received more than I purchased... it certainly looks like a 'carbon fiber prop' rather than the 'wood prop with leading edge protection' that I ordered. In either case, I have gotten my money's worth and much, much more.

You are a master craftsman sir... as well as a heck of an engineer and businessman. I am impressed!

Thank you,
--  R. Oberg
Murphy Rebel 0-320 150 HP Arvada, CO

I received the repaired prop today. It looks gorgeous! I would love to see how these props are produced, someday.

Thanks so much for the prompt, friendly, and very professional service.

Best Regards,
--  L. Griffin
RV-7A IO-360 Lubbock, TX

I flew it last night and am happy with it. I am providing you with some comparisons with the recommended Sensenich W64pj36G from Jabiru, which I have flown for around 100 hours:

Sensenich / PAC

Climb rate @ 50 mph 450-500 / 600-650

S&L WOT rpm 3150-3200 / 3280-3300

S&L ind mph WOT 72-75 / 77-80

Fuel Burn 3000 rpm 4.2 / 3.5

Ind Speed 3000 rpm 68 / 70

Decrease in EGT at 3000 rpm around 25 degrees. I can compensate because my Jab has a mixture control.

Decrease in CHT at 3000 rpm of around 15 degrees or more

In general, the aircraft performs quite a bit better with your prop.

--  D. Jones
Zenith 701 Jabiru 2200 80 hp Willard, UT

Climb 667 fpm
Speed 155mph @ 3425 rpm
Fuel Flow 5.05 gph
I will not use any other product beside Prince for the combination I fly with. Prince products simply out perform any other prop I have tried and I have tried enough propellers (not all of the manufacturers out there but 9 so far) to be able to make that statement.
--  P. Van Schalkwyk
Sonex Great Plains 2180 Raleigh, NC

I finally got to test fly the prop (weather here has been awful for weeks). The performance is spot on, perfect compromise between climb and cruise performance.
--  E. Martinez
Boelkow B208 Lyc. I0-240 Marco Island, FL.

Your propellers are a thing of beauty and you should be justifiably
be proud of them. Everywhere I look I see nothing but very positive
comments regarding yourselves and your product.

Interestingly when I was doing my license recertification last year in
my RV6A, I heard on the side, a conversation between my flying
instructor (and long time friend) and another pilot friend of his, of how
"smooth" the prop felt to him, without any prior discussion between
us about the Prince Prop up front !

So people who know clearly know, Ay !

Keep up the fabulously good work you blokes, and thanks

--  T. Fernihough,
RV-6A 0-360 Austrailia

I can tell to you, is that the propellor you made for me was perfect for the combination
of engine and aircraft. When I made a pass over the field down the runway for all to
enjoy, the airspeed indicator was right around 200 MPH. Not too bad for 65hp, huh?!

Anyway, I just wanted to touch bases with you, and keep you up to date on what was
taking place in my life, and to thank you SO MUCH for sticking with me through all the
problems with the original propellor. I hope your business is and continues to do well!
You and your company have and will continue to produce a very fine product.
--  E. Bancroft
BD-5 Hirth 65 hp Chule Vista, CA

Your propeller is stellar! I couldn't be happier about it.

PS: My SNX is the best flying, coolest running Sonex around......... it flies now the way I'd hoped it would have the first time
around..... oh, one more thing...... that prop of yours is quiet!
--  R. Cook
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Morolla, OR

I can say Prince Prop honors their guarantees. Lonnie says if his props don't suit you I'll make you another one. He did just that and my new prop is perfect.
--  N. Rupp
Mini-Max VW 1834 cc Bryan, Ohio

Have to say you guys do a great job making a high quality propeller. Not only does it look good but also performs very nicely as expected.

I may look at purchasing another one early in the new year as I have under estimated the power the Aerovee in my Sonex is putting out. I am running EFI and turbo on it which I estimated at 100hp. I was getting 3800rpm static with the standard Sensinich 54 x 44 and now with the PAC 54 x 50 I get an easy 3600rpm static. Still a little higher than the 3500rpm max I was hoping for but close enough for now.

The prop has made a vast improvement on the aircraft and I am very happy.
Thank you very much for the great prop and I will be in touch hopefully not too late next year for another.

Cheers and thanks again.
--  S. Combs
Sonex Aero Vee Edmonton, Austrailia

During one get together in December when it was to windy to fly we decided to do a static pull test and the results between my old prop and the Wood Prince P-Tip was an additional 10 lbs of static thrust. Not a lot but on an ultralight plane it makes quite a difference.

This prop runs quieter, smoother and although it is 2 degrees more pitch than my old prop. I have gained additional take off climb and reduced engine rpm by almost 200 rpm for cruise.

Thanks for your help and a great product.
--  P. Smigel
Weedhopper 1/2 VW 


So.. Finally got some good weather. -15 deg F. Clear and 10-15 knot wind. right from the south. My runway is 18+36 X 2200 feet North end is 15 feet higher than the south end. Plane is a 1946 C140 with 115hp 0-235 Lycoming.
Finished the spinner and tested out the prop today. After torquing it 2 times I went to the high end of my runway and pointed her into the wind. I find it much harder to keep the back wheel in the air now especially at slower speeds. Full acceleration, I was off in 500 feet and realized the takeoff trim setting will have to be modified…a lot. It seemed to develop around 2500 rpm , but I will have to pay more attention some other day. ( the runway is only 60 feet or so wide and the is 2-4 feet of powder, virgin snow. )You have to really be on the ball landing or taking off on skis here. If one ski sinks more than the other it turns uncontrollably, and quickly. Trees on both sides.
Anyways… after getting in the air I went right through ground effect ( unintentionally)( trim induced climbing) and climbed at an unprecedented rate. Cleared the trees at the south end by at least 500 feet. I was happy with the smooth quiet acceleration. and it seems more vibration free.. Did one circuit and attempted to land. The trim settings are different and the plane does not seem to want to drop as easily as before. The C140 has tiny little flaps and I landed 1000 feet down the runway the first time. Stopping was little issue as i just pulled back and dragged the tail to slow down. Might have been a hundred feet to get to a stop.
I hangared the old girl and pulled the spinner and re-torqued the prop. I was quite surprised to actually see the bolts turn slightly. Cool! Safety wired the prop bolts up and prepared for an afternoon fishing experience.
Took off uphill this time as the wind had dropped off to 0 knots. In this cold weather carb heat is used a lot more than in the summer. The second you start a cold Lycoming, full carb heat is required to help it get a smooth idle sooner. It makes a difference right away! Anyway.. in my excitement and partially cause of my mitts I was wearing to stay warm, I forgot to remove carb heat before takeoff and , that didn’t improve matters much. I removed the carb heat as I rotated. Duh! First time I have ever done that.
30 minute flight. After checking out my intended target lake, I landed and taxied to a likely area. Fishing was slow and I really wanted to get flying again.
Packed up my stuff and departed. 10 Knot headwind, no carb heat!, and even after manoeuvring around 2 huge, rock hard drifts, on the take-off run, it was still off on record length.
I circled the lake, put in full power and settled into a best climb rate of 80 MPH and watched the VSI sit at 1500 feet. That is with 2 full tanks and all my fishing and survival gear.
The only negative I can come up with ,in my limited trials, is that when the sun is low over your right shoulder, the prop sends a lightning like pulsing reflection to the pilot that has an incredible calming effect,
and you have to careful to not get overtaken by the vibes.. Hope I did not forget anything, but I am sure I did.
I’ll send some good pics when I can.

Thanks for the prop!
--  R. Martin
Cessna 140 Lyc. 0-235 Canada

I am extreemly satisfied with my Prince P-TIP 76" Diameter 43" Pitch Carbon Fiber Propeller. I ordered the propeller to shorten my takeoff roll and increase climb rate and this is exactly was I experience. I figured my top speed would suffer but I am flying at the normal top speed. This propeller is perfect, It is 22 pounds lighter and runs so smooth compared to my past propeller that the airplane is so much more enjoyable and feels light a completely different airplane.

Did my simulated flight test with my instructor yesterday. Tried to do departure stall which I had not done since prop. With vg's and climb prop we ended up full up elevator, 15 deg bank. nose crazy high, 30 mph indicated and kinda just corkscrewing up. Old prop would still stall in this configuration but this one must pull harder.
Having lots of fun. If I ever need another non certified prop it'll be from you.
--  K. Issac
Cessna 170 Cont. 0-300 Vanderhoof, BC Canada

I wanted to let you know with my new Prince P-TIP I can now do three vertical rolls instead of the two I used to do with my Metal Propeller. This Propeller is Awesome.
--  A. Clemens
Pitts IO-360 Clearwater, FL

My Customer flew his new 56" diameter 50" Pitch Prince Carbon Fiber P-TIP propeller today and was extreemly satisfied. He now fly's at 165 mph, this is 20 mph faster than the his old propeller, he couldn't be more pleased with the Prince P-TIP Propeller.
--  L. Wheat
Pulsar Jabiru 2200 Mosses Lake, CA

I finally tested your prop last night and wanted to let you know it is absolutely perfect! Your craftsmanship is outstanding. My speed is now approximately 7 mph faster than my Cowley prop produced at the same RPM.
It also looks great with the carbon spinner. Thanks for such an excellent improvement to my Q1!
--  M. Toomey
Q-1 Onan 20 HP Newark, Ohio

I want to give you some feedback for my recent purchase.
1. I just have to say it, you and your company provide the best customer
service - period.
2. Kudos to you shipping department. That box was a piece of art in itself.
3. Most importantly:
I mounted the new prop this morning after collecting some base data
during a short flight with my original prop. You did not promise too
much. With the larger pitch I get a little less static and climb rpm
(still plenty), but as soon as it gets to speed it's an average of 10
mph in all rpm ranges ahead of the Sensenich. This was all compared 1
hour apart on the same course/altitude flown and slightly warmer temps
for the second flight. Amazingly EGTs are not in the red despite the
higher prop load.
The best however is the smoothness at which it performs. From 1000 rpm
upwards the plane is humming as smooth as my car on the highway.
I attached 2 pics of my new "bug catcher" (yep, they're already around).
You're welcome to use them on your website.

Best regards,
G. Schlegel
--  G. Schegel
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Kansas City MO

This Prince P-TIP Propeller 54" Diameter 60" Pitch Carbon Fiber increased my airspeed 4 mph over my old Sensenich and much smooth running.
--  A. Kruger
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Cottonwood, CA.

The 54" diameter 44" Pitch Carbon Fiber P-TIP Propeller indicated 10 mph faster than my last propeller, it tracked perfect and is exceptionally smooth running. I am very pleased with my purchase.
--  W. York
Sonex Aero Vee Washington, GA.

My apologies for taking so long to send this to you. I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for your incredible customer service in regards to my Sonex P-Tip prop exchange. I received the new one and it is truly a work of art! Again, thank you so much and God bless!
--  J. Usher
Sonex Aero Vee Dalton, GA

I thought you folks would like a pilot report.

I've been flying one of your carbon fiber P-TIP props on my Sonex for nearly 500 hours now. It performs great, looks terrific, and has required no maintenance aside from keeping it clean and waxed and checking the hub bolt torque periodically. Even though my Jabiru 3300 has no muffler everyone comments on how quiet the plane is. I can't help believe that part of that is the uncommonly low prop noise. At this point it would be difficult to convince me to fly any other prop. Keep up the good work
--  Dennis Smith
Sonex Aero Vee 

After a little hassle with customs (sorted out by your note saying ‘no cost warrantee repair’), the propeller finally arrived last Wednesday. I fitted it on Saturday and did a couple of circuits to ensure the bolts were torqued correctly.

I must say, what a work of art; it’s brilliant! Not only is it beautifully made, it also works perfectly maxing out at exactly 5200 rpm. It sounds great and performs equally as well – thank you so much for the work you did and the consideration on the cost. I can’t express just how pleased I am.

I will take a photo the next time I’m at the airfield and will forward you a copy as promised.
--  David North
Gyro  Andover, Hampshire

Hi Lonnie

We got the new prop and installed and testflew it today. It performs perfectly and fits our airplane very well!! And I'm very happy that you made us an 83" pitched prop instead of an 81".

When flying level with full throttle, the engine turns now at 2750 RPM, which is only 50 PRM above the red line.
The take-off performance has not been affected at all! The static RPM decreased from 2380 to 2260 only (The drop was only 24rpm per inch of pitch change,and the manifold pressure increased from 26.4 to 28. This means that the available static power remained at 78%!

Here a few values from cruise flying:
Alt. (ft) RPM MP P (%) IAS (kt) TAS (kt)
3000 2400 21.8 65% 145 151
3000 2700 24.8 83% 157 164
6000 2400 19.0 56% 145 158
6000 2700 22.3 75% 157 171
6000 2100 16.1 42% 130 142

Here a summary of my conclusions of all these tests:
- By exchanging the 78" pitched prop by an 83", we won 15 kt at 2500rpm and did not loose any take off power
- Our TMX IO-360 has nominally 180hp, although some say that it has a bit more power than that. This is perhaps true, but I'm now sure that any 180hp RV-8 needs more pitch than 78". My recommendation: don't sell 78" pitched props for RVs. Take at least 81".
- If someone looks for a high speed cruising prop (that loads the engine strongly at 2500rpm) for an RV-8, you could easily go even higher in pitch (approx. 85")
- The most important conclusion: your prop principle works very well! Compared to other fixed pitch props, yours have very good performance over an impressively large speed range. We will definitely recommend you to other pilots.

I wanted to thank you for all the effort you put in building us a new prop so quickly. We are very happy with the result!

Thanks and best regards,
--  S. Wiedmer
RV-8 TMX IO-360 180 HP Switzerland

Thank you for the outstanding customer service and the extremely fast shipping of my 30”, hot-air balloon inflation fan propeller. I have already used the fan and it performed just as perfectly as the previous Prince propeller. Needless to say, I am very satisfied with my purchase!
--  L. Coan
Balloon Inflator Fan Briggs Straton Detroit, MI

This thing rockets off the ground. I'm spoiled now. Onward and upward.
--  R. Martin
Cessna 140 Lyc. 0-290 Grand Portage, MN

Wow, This Thing is really fast with your propeller. What a difference from my old Sensinich. it is Smooth Running, Excellent Takeoff and Climb Rate and 10 mph Faster Cruise.
--  Ted Bax
RV-7A !0-360 200 hp Sidney. Austrtailia

Just a brief note to say thank you for my propeller. It's beautiful and is everything I'd hoped it would be, (better than the competition's). I've got about 110 hrs. on it now and couldn't be happier. I confess I've thought about getting an electric constant speed propeller, but honestly after looking at all of the AD's and problems, (i.e., headaches), that such a move would entail I've concluded it just isn't worth the hassle much less the cost. You're propeller is every bit as efficient and of more value than spending another 10 grand to suit my ego, (no thanks), I'll put that money into fuel & oil to fly my plane.

I've reluctantly been in a couple of rain situations and the finish is as good as new! Had it been a Sensenich propeller undoubtedly some portion of the finish would have come off, (I know, I used to have a one)!

Wishing you the very best.
--  R. Cook
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Moalla, OR

Thanks for making a great prop. I have had four flights on my Sonex with my new P Tip. It is much soother than the original prop (Sensenich) and I picked up 3-4 KTS . The tracking was right on – no deviation blade to blade using a dial indicator during the install.
--  J. Baak
Sonex Jabiru 3300 

WOW! What a difference the Prince P-TIP Propeller made to my Avid B Model Speed Wing. I get off the ground a lot quicker now and climb out a lot better. I also gained 8 mph on my cruise while running 400 rpm lower. I will never have a plane without a Prince Prop ever, guaranteed. Thanks again.
--  J. Evers
Avid Model B Speed Wing Mosler 82 hp Wild Rose, WI

I put the prop on the first night I got home but couldn't fly for a couple of days because of high winds. I was barely able to brake the airplane in a static run up which was about 5470. I released the brakes and there seemed to be a significant greater amount of thrust over the Catto. With nearly half fuel on board the airplane leapt off the ground. I would say more but at least equal fpm. The major increase was in cruise which was knocking on 10 knots! More importantly with the Catto and whirlwind prop I could never get the airplane up on the step with the airplane always in a slight nose high attitude and the elevator out of trim with the horizontal stab. It's all come right with the additional speed. I think we're close with the 80 x38 but there seems we could increase the top end a wee bit as the thrust and climb are excellent. The static at 5470 seems as we could drag that down to 5300. All in all a major improvement .
--  J. Levy
Just Aircraft Rotax 912S 110 HP New Zealand

In the summer this year I bought a 58" Diameter 70" Pitch Carbon P-TIP propeller from you for my O-200 powered Midget Mustang.

The first test flight was carried out today and I'm pleased to say it went flawlessly. The prop was right on the money with great static thrust and climb rate and still only at 2500rpm in the cruise at 160mph.
--  N. Huxtable
Midget Mustang Continental 0-200 United Kingdom

Just thought you might like to know that we hit the nail right on the head with my 54 x 66 p-tip prop for my UL 350iS powered Onex. I am getting as high as 2000 FPM climb a 160 MPH cruise and a 3300 RPM wide open speed of 180. I don't see how you can improve on that. Based on my figures a guy named C. Eldredge from Texas who is doing the same thing with his Onex will be ordering a prop from you. I built him a motor mount and a sump fuel tank. Thanks again for your help and great prop.
--  D. Wright
Onex UL 350 is 130 HP Spring Hill, FL

Got it Sat. AM, and put 6 hrs on it by Sunday afternoon! At 12,000' I get 550 FPM! I am very pleased with it, it nicely matches my plane/engine combo. Expect to sell more just like and get geared up for it. I am very pleased with the weight, It would seem to be the new lightweight champ, my scale showed 4 lbs 12 ozs. Wow, that is a huge savings right there, the performance is a bonus. I am bragging it up on some flying forums I'm on, expect some orders for this model.
Thanks (even though it took you a was worth it!)

I'll try and get down to sea level this year, and that should really be interesting. Some years I fly 200 + hrs and never get below 4500' or so. Just flew a quick .2 hrs, and was climbing at 5 to 700 fpm at 4450 RPM, that's almost idling for a Rotax!
--  T. Simko
Just Highlander Rotax 912S 100 HP Inkom, ID


Last year I ordered a carbon fiber Prince P-Tip prop for my Pulsar II Jabiru 2200 aircraft. I was hoping to improve what I considered dismal performance as compared to comparable Pulsars. I was using a wooden Sensenich which was specifically ordered for the Pulsar and Jabiru 2200. My best climb was 700-750 fpm at 90 mph and cruse was 105-110 mph at 2850 -2900 rpm.

I had to do a bunch of maintenance on the 2200 so today was the first day I could try out my new P-Tip prop. My climb improved to 900 - 950 fpm at 90 mph and after getting things settled out straight and level at 2850 rpm my cruse speed increased to 127 mph. Wow, what an improvement! I expected an increase in performance, but I never thought it would be this dramatic.

It appears all the hype I have heard about your props is absolutely true.

Thanks for a great prop!
--  F. Worrell
Pulsar II Jabiru 2200 Decatur, IL

Fitted the new propeller yesterday and I must say, all went very well. The bolt holes were exactly lined up and the job took me half the time I expected. The propeller looked good, sounded fantastic and performs perfectly – I was very happy.
--  D. North
RAF 2000 Subaru 130 hp  Andover, Hampshire, UK


I installed your prop on my Murphy Rebel yesterday and went for a spin.

Here are the facts

I immediately noticed a dramatic increase in acceleration.

Takeoff distance was at least 10% less--needs further evaluation.

definitely climbs better

12 kts increase in TAS

I am impressed

Thank you

74" Diameter 46" Pitch Carbon Fiber with Urethane Leading Edge Protector
--  K. Hipp
Murphy Rebel Lyc. 0-320 150 HP Crawford, CO

I am impressed with the proformance. Take off is about 150 ft
shorter, at 100kts climb is at 1200 fpm, and I gained 5 or 6 kts in
cruise. Full throttle in level flight (for about 30 seconds) indicates
158 kts. I know it would be over160kts if I stayed in it a little longer.
I am very happy with the prop and have had many compliments
on the new look.
--  T. Lynch
KR-2 Continental 0-200 100 hp Logansville, GA

Here's a shot of the bird up at a 8800' site, 3 miles from my home. Just last week I landed 4 new sites all above 7K and all within 15 miles of home! I have 40 hrs on it now, and just wanted to let you know this prop/engine combo is working great. Absolutely effortless climb, especially at low RPMs. Keep in mind I have a modified 912S, the Zipper BigBore by Hal Stockman. About 105 hp, and the increased torque curve is nicely matched to the prop. Real good cruise, again at low rpms (for the Rotax anyway) less then 5,000.
--  Tom Simko
Rans S-7 Rotax 912S Inkom, ID

Last weekend I did a high altitude (above 12 K for hours) long distance flight, my first since getting the prop, AND using the Rotax engine leaner. Long story short: after 7.2 hrs I refilled and was very accurate how I went about it, the consumption worked out to 2.778 GPH. Other Rotax pilots and other Rans S-7S pilots are finding this hard to believe, as most turn in fuel burns of 4+ GPH. But, they don't have the combination of the Big Bore engine mod, the engine leaner system, a good fuel flow indicator, and of course your prop. Average RPM was 46 to 4850 RPM. At gross, or nearly so, my ROC was 350 to 400 fpm at 12,500'. When I re-fueled, I still had 15 gallons on board. So at that burn rate of 2.7 and my capacity of 35 gallons, I have a duration of around 12 hrs not counting reserves! That economy along with the performance I get is pretty incredible!
--  T. Simko
Rans S-7S Rotax 912S 130 HP Inkom, ID

80" Diameter 40" Pitch P-TIP Carbon Fiber.

Got the prop on, I'll send u a pic.
So far with 10 minutes of flying Im really pleased. Great performance and very smooth.
Thanks for a great product,
--  B. GRAY

Hi Lonnie,

Even though I’m (trying to) sell my Superstol, I had fun flying it around yesterday and wanted to comment on the combination of your prop with the Rotax Big Bore engine.

Right off I noticed the difference on take-off. Rotax limits the max rpm for five minutes at 5,800. That’s the max hp that the engine can produce. Before unless I was pointed straight up, I would overspeed the engine (go over 5,800). With your prop and the big bore kit, the max that I could coax out of the engine was 5,500 rpm. However . . . the climb angle was steeper than before and the airspeed was so high that I had trouble getting the slats to deploy on take-off. That indicates to me that the combination engine/prop are providing a ton more thrust than before. But wait. There’s more.

Cruise was dramatically different. My highest cruise before with the stock 912S and Catto prop was 71 mph at 5,500 rpm. It was like driving around in first gear on the freeway. With the new big bore engine and Prince prop, I was seeing 87 mph, or a 16 mph improvement in cruise with no down side. Wow.

Thanks for the great work.

--  J. Lezin
Just Superstool Rotax 912S 130 HP Santa Cruz

Lonnie. Love the prop! Quieter by a huge amount. Great cruise, and takeoff and climb still fantastic!

Thanks, R. Henrie
--  R. Henrie
Titan Tornado Jabiru 2200 Beech Bluff, TN

Dear Lonnie
Many thanks for the prompt response.
I’ve mentioned this before to you that it is a credit to you that your company, which supports the homebuilding community, has been in business for 30+ years. A similar repair issue for another aircraft took months to sort out because the propeller manufacturing company no longer existed. The damaged propeller was manufactured before the internet and there was no technical information available. Prince aircraft on the other hand responded with a fix within 12 hours. That is service.

--  S. Schmidt
Vari Eze Cont. 0-200 

I haven't had much of a chance to fly my Sonex here lately but on those rare occasions I have been flying, the turbocharged AeroVee with the 54X50 P-Tip has been flying very well. I've been seeing initial climb rates in the 800-1000 feet per minute range, and the engine seems very happy at 29-30" MAP which gives around 3150 RPM and a TAS of 140 MPH at low altitudes.
--  M. Farley
Sonex Aero Vee Turbo Westerville, OH

First flight with the new 54" Diameter 50" Carbon P-TIP prop today - FANTASTIC!
I got full RPM and it is an excellent propellor for the Turbo Sonex
At 30” MP and 3200 RPM I saw 140-143 MPH in fairly still air.
Thanks again
--  R. Culver
Sonex Aero Vee Turbo Naperville, Illnois

Mr. Lonnie, please post this in your comments if you like. I have a Jab 2200 on a Sonex standard gear. I began with the prop recommended by Sonex. Its name begins with an S and ends with ich. 54X48. The problem was serious overrevs. After 10 hrs I called Mr. Lonnie and he suggested his prop with same dimensions. I said to Mr. Lonnie”That is the same prop I already have”. His comment” trust me, this is what you need”. Boy was he right! After first flight with his prop, I landed with the biggest smile I ever had. It yielded a significant increase in airspeed at same rpm with no overrev problems.

Summary; Great service, very nice man, outstanding prop. Highly recommended!!

Richard Riddick


Greenfield, TN

--  Richard Riddick
Sonex Jabiru 2200 Greenfield, TN

I am a very satisfied customer of Prince Aircraft. Attached are a couple of photos of the Mangy Fox (a heavily modified Kitfox IV-1200) sporting a very beautiful and functional 78x48" Prince propeller.

The plane is powered by a Rotax 912UL, modified with a 105 hp Zipper, Big Bore kit. I can sustain just shy of 2000 feet per minute climb and 75% cruise of 110 mph +. The plane is off the ground in less than 200' and pulls like a freight train out of the hole!

Thank you to Lonnie and all of the Prince Aircraft team for a great performing propeller for my airplane.

Larry Wenning - Owner
"The Mangy Fox"
Merrill, WI.
--  Larry Wenning
Kitfox IV Rotax 912 UL Merrill, WI

Lonnie, I got the prop today.......holy new born baby jesus...... it is gorgeous. thank you so much. I am super excited to see this thing making the air in front of my plane its bitchin! ROCK STAR!
--  R. Goodman
Tri Q Suburu EJ 25 Colorado Springs, CO.

We have done 7 hrs in our new lycoming 0320 powered superstol and the propeller that you supplied is working very well and we are very happy with the performance good cruise and great climb out excellent prop thanks.
--  Just Aircraft Austrailia
Just Aircraft Superstol Lyc. 0-320 Quirindi

Hi Lonnie

As evidenced by the YouTube link above, my Waiex has returned to the skies following its major overhaul and prop change.

Although the pitch of my P-Tip is 2” shallower than my former Sensenich, at the same RPM (3200) I seemed to have picked up around 5 kts. It’s too soon to make an objective judgement on climb performance, but it’s definitely an improvement.

Happy to have you classify me as a happy customer.

Happy New Year
--  R. Connolly
Waiex Aero Vee Austrailia

The propeller is back on the plane and has found its 1st gravel bar of the summer. Our customer is more than pleased with you "Looking After Customers" and the craftsmanship of the returned propeller.
--  Jeff McMurrer
Murphy Rebel Lycoming I0-360 Sumas, WA

I've been flying the P-Tip now for several months and I can say I'm quite happy! I definitely have better climb performance, and a bunch more cruise power. I now see RPMs and air speeds I had not seen before. And at gross weight, hot day, over the trees, my takeoffs used to be downright scary. Now I climb out with a much better margin over those trees.
--  M. Smith
Sonex Aero Vee Maynard, MA.

Thanks Lonnie,

I feel like I have a new airplane. While I didn't have time to do any real testing, I did get the prop on today.  My static RPM is 300 less than the old prop. I did one time around the pattern and was very impressed with the performance on the first flight. Initially I was caught off guard by how much more right rudder was needed. On initial climb out my VSI was pegged at 10 mph faster than my normal climb speed. I was able to reach pattern altitude far faster than normal and needed to reduce power far more than normal after reaching pattern altitude. 

I can't wait to do some flight testing to see what this new prop has on the top end. 

Thanks again, 

--  B. Cass
Davis DA-3 Contiental 0-200 La Mirada, CA

Love the prop and it performs very well.
--  L. Sievila
Onex Calmet Kalam, WA

We flew with your prop on our Glasair today and it was terrific. I don’t think there is a constant speed prop out there that could give better performance! Thank you!
--  S. Ruse
Glassair Lyc. 0-360 180hp Hudson Oaks, TX

Yesterday on the Sonex builders discussion site every other line on the page was regarding your propellers and every comment was very positive. I don't know how to submit a comment on the page or I would have added yet another positive comment. I am not the only one calling your propeller a work of art.
--  J. Warrinton
Sonex Aero Vee Elkton, MD

Just sending you a photo of my KitFox SS7 that I finally got on floats this fall. I think we nailed it on the prop size! Gets me off the water in 13 seconds with no flaps! I love my Prince propeller!
--  M. Kraus
Kitfox on Floats Rotec 2800 Radial Jacson, MI


inch 60x32 56x32 64x28
GROUND RPM 3200 3100 3000
CLIMB RPM 3250 3150 3100
CLIMB RATE fpm 450-500 350-400 550-600
LEVEL FLIGHT MPH FULL THROTTLE 88@3400 88@3200 95@3300

CRUISE @ RPM 3000 72 78 80
CRUISE @ RPM 3200 78 88 90
STRAIN GAUGE Kg 120 111 133
Lbs/3.388 =HP approx 77.9 72.1 86.4

--  W. Wilson
Skyranger Sport Aero Vee Rangiora, New Zealand


inch 60x32 56x32 64x28
GROUND RPM 3200 3100 3000
CLIMB RPM 3250 3150 3100
CLIMB RATE fpm 450-500 350-400 550-600
LEVEL FLIGHT MPH FULL THROTTLE 88@3400 88@3200 95@3300

CRUISE @ RPM 3000 72 78 80
CRUISE @ RPM 3200 78 88 90
STRAIN GAUGE Kg 120 111 133
Lbs/3.388 =HP approx 77.9 72.1 86.4
--  W. Wilson
Skyranger Swift Aero Vee Rangiora, NZ

I've put about 6 hours on the new prop so far and it is performing tremendously. It seems that I caught the attention of our airport manager, as she couldn't believe just how quickly the plane jumped from the ground.
--  M. Herweyer
Zenith CH750 Rotax 912S Troy, MI

I just wanted to provide a quick follow-up, especially since the Prince propeller has made a huge impact on the performance. I appreciate the answers to my previous questions. I purchased a used propeller ( P63AT6LK) for my KIS TR-1 with an O-235 and recently installed and tested it on the airplane. With the colder weather I’m still not sure how the climb performance on higher density altitude days will work, but the Prince prop is noticeably faster than the Warp Drive. WOT RPM level flight is 160mph at 2570rpm, while the Warp Drive was 140mph at 2760rpm. It does seem to be more ‘cruise pitch’ aligned but so far my TO and climb rate has remained solid. It runs a little over-square at most power settings with MAP and RPM, and climb RPM is around 2250.
--  John L
Kiss TR-1 Lyc.0-235 

I’ve been intending to write you and tell you how much I love this propeller. The 74x44 size and pitch is perfect on my Murphy Rebel float plane with 150hp 0-320. The performance on take off and also cruse is really amazing.

Most of my flying is to remote lakes in Quebec to fish. My little plane with 3/4 tanks, passenger and cargo is off the water in 15-18 seconds typically, and 9-12 seconds with a light load. The performance improved so much that I had to change my takeoff technics. I can still cruise at 95 Mph @ 2400 rpm. That’s exceptionally good performance for a 150hp plane with so much drag. I think the flex of the prop is the main reason.
--  J. Donnelly
Murphy Rebel Lyc. 0-320 150 hp Ottawa, Canada

I just checked out your propeller sent to us for T. Bero…
This is a work of art! You make beautiful propellers Lonnie!!!


Zrinko Amerl, CEO
BRC Aircraft -
--  BRC Aircraft
Murphy Aircraft 0-360 180 HP Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Just getting to use my propeller now that the weather is getting better, it works very well and i am very happy with the look and quality that you put into your product, thanks again for such a fine piece of work!
--  F. Cottrell
N3 Pup Mosler 40 HP Litchfield, KY

Thanks for your patience and answering all of my questions! I love the customer service as much as the high quality of your products!
--  L. Coan
Balloon Inflator Briggs New Hudson, MI

Thank you again for your outstanding craftsmanship and quality of the prop you built for me! It looks fantastic, and really compliments the rest of my plane. The color match was outstanding.

I have had the opportunity to flight test the new prop, and as expected, it outperforms the sensenich by a wide margin. With my Jabiru 3300 at a low-cruise power setting, your prop is approximately 6 mph faster at the same fuel burn, and with no significant reduction in rate of climb. If I push the engine to a high-powered cruise, the speed improvement is nearly 10 mph faster! We love to go fast, and this new prop makes the Sonex even faster! Thank you so much for a wonderful design.

Follow Up......

I wanted to report back again that the new P-tip Jabiru prop is running superbly! I am thrilled with the smoothness and bite, and it's fantastic. I flew the other day and at 8000 ft density alt I was seeing 184 mph true, at 3200 rpm, burning about 6.5 gal per hr. This is about 15 mph faster than the Sensenich at the same general conditions. Amazing! Thank you so much!

--  Jeff Shultz, Sonex Podcast
Sonex Jabiru 3300 Kansas City, MO

Thank you for helping me find the correct pitch prop for my 200 hp RV-8. It is a privilege to still find someone with old school values and customer support that is above and beyond.
Your propeller is a work of art, extremely smooth, quiet, and all with great performance
--  A. Thompson
RV-8 Lycoming IO-360 Fort Steele, BC Canada

Hi Lonnie,

Got a picture for you from this morning, just before I flew down to Sebring for some breakfast.Now that I'm flying my normal routine with the new prop, I'm beginning to appreciate it even more. I would say that take off and climb out are improved about 30%, and at lower altitudes like three or four thousand, the prop's actually a little bit faster than my old one.I hope you have a great weekend,
--  B. Macnicole
VariEze Lyc 0-235 Bartow., FL.

I have now tested my new prop for 3 hours. This is what I wanted.
Amazingly good cruise prop.
I have tested many props from Jabiru, GSC, GT, Sensenich, DUC and some Prince p-tip. But this 54x58 is absolute the best cruise propp for me and my Jabiru 160, 85 hp
Temp. to day 3*C QNH 1003hpg Got 2860 rpm in take off, 1100 ft/min climp. Normal cruice rpm 2700-2900, in 2700 rpm I got 110 knt tas, 2800 rpm 115 knt and 2800rpm give me 120 knt TAS and 24,5" mfp.

I`m so HAPPY !!

Best regards from Norway.
--  H. Brekke
Jabiru 160 Jabiru 2200 Norway

The new propeller performed great! My Lancair 320 gained 9kts tas and the rpm range is much better. Also I was able to dynamically balance it to .02 IPS so it’s super smooth! Really happy!

TAS before 164 kts
TAS after 173 kts
--  J. Newby
Lancair 320 Lycoming 0-320 Paso Robles, CA

Prince Aircraft Company    Phone 419-877-5557    Fax 419-877-5564     [email protected]